the ones created by God to help earth counter overpopulation

As I looked at my dear friend’s photos from his endeavors at the Pride Festival a few thoughts about homosexuality hit me.

We say homosexuality as if it is only about sex. If it simply refers to sexual acts between two (or more) people of the same sex many more should be included under the term than what we mean today, shouldn’t they?

The homosexuals, the ones we mean when we use the term, are in fact more homoEMOTIONals. They love someone of the same gender, they want to live with someone of the same gender and they want to lead a family life with someone of the same gender. Of course their sex life is also homo, however there are so many hetrosexuals having homosexual sex today that it seems a bit out of date to cut the term short there. We should add a new term to the dictionary: homoemotional, referring to our fellow citizens who chose a partner for life of the same gender.

A few weeks ago I heard on TV (its true! I was not watching it, only having it as background noise while fiddling about with other things) about a Swedish guy who was on his way home from a night out. Somewhere on the way he felt a bit too drunk to continue so he lay down on a bench by the subway and fell asleep. While he lay there sobering up, some other guy walked up and decided to rape him!

Not only is this an absolutely bizarre thing to do, it is also a fundamentally horrible act. All rapes are.  The case was being discussed and someone noted that the perpetrator did not seem like a “typical homosexual”. Whatever that means…

In some cultures it is considered homosexuality if you are the one “being taken” but not if you “take”, so to say. (How crazy isn’t that!?)

In these cultures gay rape is not unusual and it is performed for many reasons: “he is in love with my sister and has tried to talk to her without my consent”, “he’s father is just a shoe polisher”, “someone heard him saying something derogatory about my mother, or me, or someone else” or just “he think he is cooler than me and therefore I will show him…”.

It seems even stranger since the one choosing, and wanting to have homosexual sex in the rape scenarios are the ones “taking”. That is a pretty homosexual thing to want to do.

If it is actually OK to have homosexual sex, why is it not OK to do it with consent? Now I know some men back in the days wrote books (Thora, Bible and Koran) about the matter being prohibited, but would God really say “It is not OK to be taken in a homosexual act, but it is OK take.”?? Especially when we are all supposed to be equals under God? It seems obvious that it is an excuse created by a man to get around his own sinful desires.

Apparently, in all the one-God religions homosexuality is spoken against.

Sodom and Gomorrah.

This automatically opens up another question which is being discussed so widely today. Should the church allow homosexual marriage? The “holy books” speaks against the mere existence of homosexuals, so how could the church actually allow it and still say they are the worshippers of that book? The marriage, in all one-God religions, is something to unite man and woman, the only thing that is there to unite the two that are opposites in so much else in life.

But what is even more mind boggling in this scenario is: How can any homosexual couples WANT to marry in a church when the religion that the church preaches speaks against them, against their very existence?

Is it purely history and tradition?: “My parents and grandparents were married in church so I want to do it too, no matter what the church actually stands for”?

Is this the case?




I have since writing this comment heard that the “holy books” actually do not speak against homosexuality per se – however it depends on the person interpreting what is written.

I strongly believe I should update me on some facts by reading the books myself! 🙂

1 thought on “the ones created by God to help earth counter overpopulation

  1. I would like to add a message to this blog.
    It was written assuming same gender marriage was accepted by law.

    In some parts of the world people in love are fighting only to be allowed to feel what they feel and to have the same rights as a couple as any other married couple. Where I sit now same gender marriage is allowed legally. And that is when one can start wondering regarding marriage in church.

    But we have a long way to go before everyone everywhere have the freedom to be who they are and freely express how they feel.
    I am sorry if you are fighting for your basic rights and saw my message as an insult to that battle.

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